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Everyone needs an editor. An extra set of eyes can give you feedback on whether your story comes across as you intend. An editor will catch style and grammar errors, typos and punctuation. From cleaning up your text to assisting in polishing your writing to writing for you, we can help.

There are four levels of editing:

  1. Proofing. This is for catching errors only. This is generally reserved for the last read through before publishing.
  2. Basic edit. This level looks at consistency through the story, correct ussage, spelling, etc.
  3. Story line. This level of editing assures that you won’t just have a clean copy of your story, it will make for good reading.
  4. Ghost writing. This starts with the Life Interview and we take it from there.

Whether you use our service, hire someone else or have a trusted friend edit for you, your book must be edited before you get to the layout stage. It’s too late for major changes after the layout begins.

Typesetting, however, will make your manuscript look entirely different and errors that were missed in the editing stage will become evident. It will need a last proofing to catch errors.

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